Why I'm Running
I'm running... because I firmly believe that a strong public education system contributes greatly to the vibrancy of our community.
I'm running... because I believe that our school board needs new ideas and a fresh voice.
I'm running... because as a life-long Clarington resident, I want to give back to the community that helped me develop into the person I am today.
I'm running... because I want to ensure that our schools are always safe, welcoming, and inclusive so we can best enable our students to become the next generation of leaders.
And I'm running... because I will be a tireless advocate for all parents, staff, students, and community members.
Clarington needs a strong and principled advocate for public education. As your representative, I will work hard on your behalf - day in and day out - to ensure that our public education system becomes stronger and better positioned to prepare our students for the challenges that lie ahead.​--